The energy produced by wind turbines over their lifetime generally exceeds the energy consumed in their manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal. Wind turbines are designed to operate for 20 to 25 years, and during this time, they generate far more energy than is required to produce, install, and maintain them. The energy required to manufacture and install a turbine includes the production of materials like steel, concrete, and rare earth metals, as well as transportation and assembly costs. Over time, however, the energy output of a turbine far surpasses the initial energy investment, often by a factor of 20 or more. In terms of maintenance, wind turbines require periodic servicing to ensure they operate efficiently, but this is relatively minimal compared to the energy they generate. Disposing of wind turbines at the end of their lifespan can be challenging due to the large fiberglass blades, which are difficult to recycle. However, research is ongoing to find more sustainable ways of recycling or reusing turbine components. Visit to get more info.
★StevoHow much energy is consumed makeing a wind turbine incude all the diesel used mining every compent all energy used during manufacture and installation then we still have an unreliable power supply that makes milli watts when we want mega watts?
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