If I understand the question correctly (not sure if grammatical error, spelling, awkward wording or a combination) - I have noticed that most chewing gum is now artificially sweetened. I don't mind artificial sweetener if I can add it myself, but I think that manufacturers use a disgusting amount of it. If the chemical is 20x sweeter than sugar and also has a strong chemical taste, maybe use 20x less to make it sweet enough and mask the artificial taste, instead of using half as much and making it 10x too sweet with a funky chemical/metallic aftertaste... but that's just my opinion and what do I know?
They have been for a long time. The problem is they are using aspartame, that is harmful to humans. They keep trying to say it is safe but if you do the research, you will see how harmful it is.
Many sugar-free products such as chewing gum contain a sweetener called "sorbitol." It has laxative effects.
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Many people are diabetic or pre-diabetic or trying to cut down on sugar.
Thanks for comment :) -
Your welcome DWWs
Some countries have a "sugar tax" so a lot of foodstuffs & drinks have artificial sweeteners rather than sugar now to keep the price lower.
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