9/29/2023, the way things are going with the Biden administration, and if we get another 4 years of the Democrats guiding the US, chances are... there could be a government shutdown. That would harm US defenses, hurt troops and be welcomed by Russia and China.
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bostjan the adequate 🥉
Government shutdown is imminently starting Sunday, 1 October. The GOP currently controls the lower house, and that house has not presented a budget due to the recent infighting amongst republicans. The previous shutdown, which was the longest and most costly since the Civil War, occurred when republicans were in control of both houses and the oval office, so I'm not sure how you are pinning this solely on democrats (not that they wouldn't do the same thing, but the point is that they are not the ones responsible for this in recent history). -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, Congress can pass a bill to keep the government open. If it happens or not, I'll have to see the shutdown on Sunday. In the meantime, quote: "so I'm not sure how you are pinning this solely on democrats" Easy, I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican. But Biden is responsible for the illegal immigrant crisis, inflation, funding Ukraine, the classified documents and for allowing the Chinese spy balloons to enter the US. This is how shutdowns start - when a country is divided.
If the Congresspeople don't get their pay, it won't shut down.
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If the Congresspeople don't get their pay, it won't shut down.
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There's about an 80-90% that there will be a government shutdown in the USA. It is expected to last at least 2 weeks. I think we might have become complacent with federal government shutdowns with the Trump administration's 4 years and two shutdowns in recent memory, one of which was the longest in history. But this particular one might be very nasty. The last shutdowns occurred when the Republicans were in power, with the reason for impasse being lack of compromise between factions of republicans. Those factions have only split farther apart, and now, democrats control one house and republicans control the other, meaning that any compromise will be more complicated. The House of Representatives appears to be too busy fighting over whether the smaller and more extreme or much larger and more moderate faction should be in control. People this is why it is important to remind these jokers that their silly behaviour is unacceptable. Vote everyone out and lets get new people across the board.
HAHA thats what you all voted for if you believe they count your votes. From reading some of the comments on answerbag you're entire country has no hope you all must enjoy being poor and giviing your money to rich people that dont need it. Yes your goverment will have a months holiday while they pretend its a shutdown.
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