The skill to manipulate others. It is the ultimate goal to have control. 😁
that is the exact reason I don't let my sister in my house. She is an evil manipulative bitch that will steal anything thats not nailed down.When it comes to money she'll fight you for a dollar. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Don't get twisted there, stevo. To manipulate something means to handle it "skillfully." Your sister is just a bottom line robber who uses force to steal from you. lol
Communication and emotional intelligence are important skills to have that anyone can learn to develop.
Reading and thinking are the most impressive skills one can have.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I read that and think we probably take those skills for granted.
I think the most impressive skill is to understand both intellectually and emotionally what other people are communicating to you.
To be a creative thinker
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