It seems to be true. Here is an excerpt from Insider; "Senator Dianne Feinstein, the 90-year-old lawmaker from California, has given power of attorney to her daughter, according to a document posted by Insider — a step that is raising questions from some corners. " Here is a link to the story The voters of CA just keep reinstalling that old lady regardless of her age or her acuity. 9/7/23
bostjan the adequate 🥉
What sort of person resigns from their individual responsibilities and privileges as an adult, yet refuses to resign from their position of political power? Disgusting. -
I agree. I have tried to vote her out every election for years with no success. -
Do you know anyone that voted for her? Where I live I have the same problem Ive never voted for the freak politican I ve never meet anyone that voted for it , Ive lived here 10 years now. But its still here hance why I say they don't count our votes our system is a dud. -
I don't know anybody that voted for her, but I live way inland in the mountains. The coastal people who have the huge numbers seem to love this old lady. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
If she runs again, I'm sure her opponent will point this out. But if she wins the party primary, considering it's California, she'd still basically be a shoe-in. I just wish she'd do the right thing and retire. -
Me too! -
the wicked witch is dead. Can I say that or does that offend? -
I'm pretty sure that will offend somebody. All I can say Is "Ding dong" she won't be running again!
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