It'd break about one in eight Americans (as 13% of Americans have less than $400 in net worth), and might cause serious trouble for a fair portion beyond that. The median (50th percentile) of wealth (which includes their possessions, such as a home and car, if applicable) in the USA is around $120k, but the bell curve is very steep. Keep in mind that the median home price in the USA is $330k. So only about one in four Americans have enough wealth to own their own home and their own vehicle outright. Even the median married couple doesn't have enough to buy the median home, which is why the American dream is literally unachievable for the median American. So... while the typical American has $400 of liquid cash somewhere, that $400 is necessary for them to house, feed, and clothe their families. And, if current trends continue, that typical American will become homeless in about 10-15 years anyway, despite their best efforts otherwise. Obviously, I don't expect the trend to continue, as there are a lot of natural forces for this problem to be corrected; however, there is also an unprecedented amount of political inertia right now, so the situation is quite unpredictable.
Not true
It very well could be true. There are tens of millions of us living paycheck to paycheck with very little in reserve. 8/8/23
No, its a statistic that simply isn't true, and it says that most Americans couldn't pay a $400 bill. That's why they have something called 'Payments." lol 😋😋😋😋😋
Do you give credit to people that have prevoiusly reneged on payments? thtas not how banks and credit companys work is it?
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