A simple google search will tell you "Dr. Biden earned her Doctorate in Education from the University of Delaware in January of 2007. "
I'm unsure exactly what a Doctorate in Education actually is? -
Look it up yourself.
Don't you know how to Google, Stevo? Jill Biden has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Delaware, master's degrees in education and English from West Chester University and Villanova University, and returned to the University of Delaware for a doctoral degree in education. The answer to your question is no, medical doctors aren't "insulted", there's been a variety of types of doctors for a long time! What are your degrees, Stevo?
another pathetic they are arent PHD's they are all degrees in BS . -
Ah, your degree is in BS. I should have guessed.
And what does Jill Biden's education have to do with "DRUGS, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO"?
4th of July
The term "doctor" that seems to generate so much confusion is from the Latin word "doctore," which simply means teacher. As universities were becoming more common, Latin was still the lingua franca in education, so professors at universities were called "doctore," which crept into the English language as "doctor." The medical doctors you are probably thinking about are more precisely referred to as "physicians," but confusingly, the Latin origin of that word is also brewed from the level of expertise rather than the field.
Whuppi said on her show that "Jill Biden is a doctor, a WONDERFUL doctor. Po Whuppi didn't know that Mrs. Biden received her doctorate in education from the University of Delaware in January 2007. She thought she was an MD. A doctor of education means she earned a PhD in education. 7/14/23
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