I don't see any reason why libraries shouldn't have a copy, or copies of the holy books of any other major religions. As for special measures to prevent desecration, no, books should be respected & most library users respect books. The only books that need protection are particularly rare or significant editions of books, which are usually protected anyway due to their rarity or value.
Yes. Most libraries already have policies and procedures in place to guard against vandals or crimes.
If it is allowed, it is a book that is referenced in the news and articles.
I think they already do. Its been several years (a decade?) since I went to a library, but even as long as 30 years ago they had The Bible and Book of Mormon in the Library I went to regularly. I didn't look for the Quran.
proudly showing off my ignorance as I havent been to a library this century unless a video library counts. I assumed they do.
Nope, the Quran contains over 100 verses of hatred in many forms such as prayers, dehumanizing descriptions, curses and commandments to murder all non-believers. Surah 9:29 "Fight against those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the last day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and Allah's messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam) among the people who were given the scriptures, until they pay the security tax willingly, and feel themselves subdued."
Sure. There is no reason for a public library to censor what some folks may be interested in. IMHO. 11/26/23
Certainly. At least: an English translation (in a library that serves English-speakers), if not the actual (Arabic) Qur'an (which you ought to keep in a library if there is a demand for it from the library's patrons). Whether you adhere to it or not, it's undeniably one of the most influential works of literature in history. * No, it should not receive any sort of protection that other books do not receive, or - if there is a law protecting religious books - it should receive the same protection as other religious books, no more and no less.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Should there be laws protecting religious books? -
That depends on the nature of one's government and laws. In some nations, religion is protected, and not only to the extent of religious practices, but also "defamation" against religious artifacts and symbols And that's fine, especially in a democracy where "the people" (read: the majority of voting citizens) want the law to protect that sort of thing.
They already are.
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