I never met him. We planned to meet up a few times, but he flaked.
Dan Druff is feeling loose on your head and ready to come off with a scratch. They are flakes on your scalp and can be treated with shampoo. Their favourite game is Head & Shoulders, knees and toes.
Dan Druff Andrews is the China loving Victorian premiar hes a sell out hes committed us to loans we'll never be able to repay and china will end up owning Victoria is what its done If I had my way he would be hung in the city square. Hes a traitor and a liar.
A harpist.
Professor Yaffle -
Urban Spaceman
Asker's Pick again. Why have they abolished that feature?
IDK but a little dab will do him. Its exactly what he needs.
He's a sportscaster for the Baltimore Orioles. 😋
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