I bet she wished she was
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My grandfather's sister (my great aunt) chain smoked, drank too much coffee, drank alcohol, and ate very little healthy food, and she lived to 96. My grandfather was never a habitual smoker, but drank every day. He was also shot in the face as a young man and lived pretty much his entire adult life with the bullet still in his head, and he even outlived her. They both lived pretty happy, comfortable lives, too, without serious health problems. Maybe they just made people tougher back then, or maybe the nicotine and alcohol somehow has a preservative effect beyond certain concentrations. Who knows. But, good for her.
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Poor thing. Sad she passed so early. I think she must have had some very good genes! 4/26/23
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Im of the opinion you can smoke and drink as much as you want i know of plenty of people that smoked and drank as long as I can remember that lived into their 80's and plenty of others like my dad and uncles that never smoked and never made 70 they got poisened at work.
Sorry about your Uncles and Dad. Thanks for your comment
She obviously had great genes!
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Well...she's one of the lucky ones. *** Smoking doesn't guarantee an early death. Rather: statistically, it greatly increases your chance for contracting a deadly disease. There will always be individuals who "beat the odds"...but you shouldn't expect that YOU will be one of them. Maybe she's one in a 1,000 smokers who lived that long. More likely one in a million. Are YOU also one in a million? *** I don't know about you, but I'm not going to take that gamble. Since I have an idea of what the odds are, I'm going to "play" with the odds in my favor.
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My mom smoked and drank and died of cancer before 60.
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Sorry for your loss
I'd say she's a liar
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