• Probably the overlords have something on him they control him hes a puppet. Rhino is the term my freind uses to describe him. A classic example of there only being one party that controls everything. Hes a warmonger.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Which party controls everything?
    • ★Stevo
      Rich elletes theres no 2 partys that compete for goverment. It only appears that way to stupid people like yourself.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      So if there is only one party why align yourself so strongly with the Republicans? Why care at all if they are the same thing?
    • ★Stevo
      no I hate them too some of them say things I like that at times. I want the good people to take the world back. What happened to Australia in 1975 is why i really care. Its happening here too. We are not as progressed as USA yet. Example the shiton toast you now expect as food it never used to be that way.

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