I didn't remember you asking any questions! This is an excellent one! I think its sad California is so busy getting "woke" they seem afraid to try thigs proven to work well! Not just dams, but fire breaks as well! I weep for the lives lost because such a simple preventative process is not done!
Southern CA takes so much water from eastern and northern CA that I don't think they even try to reclaim water from the sporadic flows of the river in their own back yard. I've asked a couple questions on this site. -
Linda Joy
Yeah, I checked your profile and answered a few. They should talk to the Navy about learning how to use ocean water. They have an unlimited supply slapping them in the face! -
The CA coastal commission has decided that won't be allowed. It might make the remaining water too salty they say.
Heck, even if you gave each California resident two 55 gallon drums to fill with water, you could potentially avoid the next 6 months of water crisis... But maybe the problem is that even central California is so darned dry that any open air reservoir will just evaporate rapidly into the air that it'd be futile to flood a bunch of wilderness areas with dams during the monsoon season. But you also have some states (not CA to my knowledge) who have made it illegal to collect rainwater. To me, this only makes sense in very specific circumstances, none of which are likely in the states with the harshest punishments, so ... IDK. It's possible that the state just wants people to suffer.
It's appalling that some states believe the govt owns the rain and can regulate what people do with it when it falls on their roofs. Much of the water in the lake and dam systems of CA are gathered and channelled to the south for crops and huge populations. The lakes are constantly being refilled in regular years by snowmelt and rainfall. Once that dries up, the lakes get much smaller. -
Linda Joy
I had no idea there were laws against catching rain water! And I agree, the government doesn't own that water and shouldn't be allowed to legislate it! -
Linda Joy
On the other hand, you have companies like Nestle and Coke that hog water for profit and the government does nothing. I'm not suggesting more government intervention I'm just angry over the disparity.
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