Sure it is. Venison is very good stuff and hunting deer provides it. I have killed many deer over my lifetime, and always shared it among the older folks and those who couldn't hunt. Now I'm an old man, and the younger hunters share their kills with me, and others who can't hunt anymore. We hunt deer because it has always been our mainstay, along with the acorn harvest. It is a traditional thing for us here in CA. Some years there are more deer than others. I think the rising cougar population has a lot to do with that. When you still see deer hit on the highways, it's a sign of a large herd. 2/26/23
★Stevomy home needs Deer Hunters . Deer are destroying the high counrty. Aussie Hunters aren't killing enough of them.
dalcoconoI didn't know there were any deer in Australia. Don't you guys eat them?
★Stevowe eat them just not enough hunters. The deer here were released for some unkown reason and went ferral. They arent on the pest list yet but should be or will be soon.
dalcoconoAustralia exports a lot of lamb to the US. Some enterprising Aussie should start a venison export business.
★StevoLamb and beef farmers wouldn't allow it, its on the too hard list, too hard to guarantee its been refridgerated since time of kill.
dalcoconoThat sucks. Some clever guy will figure it out if there's any money to be made though. Maybe by selling jerky on the world market.
★StevoThe land is screaming for hunters to come and shoot them . None of the native animals have hoofs.
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