Yes, that is what daydreaming is, almost zoning out and your imagination taking over.
Shadow Of The Mind
Sometimes people are too much for me and stressful to be around with which makes me zone out -
When I was at school geography lessons had that effect on me, but that was mainly due to boredom :) Zoning out due to stress is a coping mechanism, I've done it, it's surprisingly common in emotional overload. -
Shadow Of The Mind
That’s interesting. I read online that people who zone out have depression. My depression is the life long type. It used to be deep depression and now it’s not as severe as it used to be. The tablets I take are part of the cure and also to do with how I deal with it by withdrawing from the wrong people although I’m somewhat sociable with selective people who are right for me. The depression I have is a natural reaction as to how I’ve always been poorly treated by others due to their lack of empathy and understanding towards me. Although that is, I don’t like to be self centred like some people. I am aware of people and what they do wrong to others around them. They are either a psychopath or sociopath. I can relate to what you say but it’s not out of boredom for me. -
Ahh, sorry to hear that Shadow, I think it's 1 in 4 people in the UK suffer depression in their lifetime, you're are not alone. Unfortunately the way our society operates is often over looked as the biggest contributing factor, the long working hours, the material culture, the expectations, the fashion industry, addiction to social media, and the absolutely lies, and fear inducing that comes out of politicians mouths, until certain people evolve from thug mentalities not much will change, etc. What dog do you have Shadow? -
Shadow Of The Mind
It's ok. You don't have to be sorry because I know it's not your fault for what I'm going through in life. Certain people are to blame for my depression as it is situational. Society can be a problem with some things in the everyday lives of citizens. I have a pug. He is 6 years old. Do you have a pet?
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