Patent # 0606060 is a clothes dryer improvement that was published with the US Patent Office by Pierre Jodoin on 06/21/1898. There is no record of it being reassigned.
applied for in 2019? -
Army Veteran
I got my facts from the US Patent Office. There is no mention of it being reassigned. Upon further digging, however, I learned that W0/2020/060606 is apparently a patent application (not yet granted) on behalf of Bill Gates for a microchip that would be inserted into people’s bodies, and would monitor their activity in return for cryptocurrency. Here's a link that can give you more info: -
Thats the one is it true or BS? It has scumbag written all over it? -
Army Veteran
Don't know if it's BS or not. It sounds like a legitimate Liberal scheme (keyword "scheme"). But even if it is, they can't just inject anyone and everyone with the chip - they'd need a legitimate reason for invading a person's privacy. My guess is that maybe they'll invent another pandemic and force everyone to be vaccinated. I have a surprise for them, though - I never got the jab for COVID and I won't get "vaccinated" for any other reason. -
The concept of a microchip monitor administered through a vaccine sounds pretty shaky. First, if you're envisioning some sort of wireless tracking of people, the chip would be so small as to be not likely to carry a significant power source and would have virtually no transmission range (think of how well or poorly your contactless chipped credit card works). It would also seem to be very expensive to produce with individual identification. Second, even if used in single-use vaccine vials, how would it be ensured that a chip was actually injected and not left in residue in the vial? Third, a very broad search for "060606" AND "2019" on turns up one match containing "060606" of a 2018 application from Japan concerning an "Atomic Oscillator And Frequency Signal Generation System" Any more specific search keywords? -
Army Veteran
After reading your well-thought-out conclusions I must agree with your reasoning. It sounds the most plausible. As to your patent search, I can accept that, also. The search I made didn't offer anything more than what I quoted, and I took that to mean "end of the trail".
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