As far as I know, that is not to be found in the Bible. Please specify chapter and verse.
Thank you, for your comment :) -
DancesWithWolves -
OK...FIRST: fair warning: that's a Mormon web site. SECOND: the passage cited by the article is one of the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image." The person who reads that commandment (Exo 20:4) out-of-context should immediately turn to the relevant context of Exodus chapters 25 and 26 and read carefully what God - in the very same book - commands Moses to manufacture. That extremely relevant context counters the very loose interpretation of the commandment found in the article you linked. THIRD: however, the article DOES make ONE good point, and that is regarding the phrase "before me". However: the CORRECT interpretation of that phrase is much more likely to be "in my presence" - that is to say: the meaning being: in the tabernacle dedicated to God and God alone. (Note: later, in God's Kingdom of Judah, more than one wicked king of Judah broke that particular interpretation of that commandment). That is: the correct interpretation is VERY unlikely to be "Don't worship other deities more than you worship me" (which only requires that God be the primary deity) but - rather - "Don't worship other deities right in front of my face." I.e. the commandment excluding any worship of any other deities in the tabernacle (and later: temple) of God. *** FINALLY, make no mistake: in the Bible, idolatry is ALWAYS the WORSHIP of some thing supposed to be a DEITY. It's not care or concern for a car or a house or whatever mundane object is your pride and/or obsession. Such things are not worshiped as deities, not even by those most dedicated to them, and in the Old Testament, God was very, very repetitive and insistent in condemning the WORSHIP of FALSE DEITIES (rather than excessive care and attention given to objects never perceived as deities). -
Thanks for your comment
That's not exactly what it says. What you're asking about has to do with worshipping idols and has nothing at all to do with Christ since the birth of Christ wouldn't take place for another thousand years or so. Idolatry was a common practice in those days - people needed some kind of tangible object (graven image) to represent the object of their faith. When Moses came down from talking with God, for instance, the people had melted down the gold and fashioned a golden calf to worship. The law has never changed, and today, "graven image" includes any image representative of something else. Pictures are graven images as well as statues. Yes, that means that every one of those statues seen in your local Catholic church are in defiance of God's law - as is the Vatican as well. No one knows what God looks like and that's the way He wanted it when He said, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above...".
Thanks for explaining
God must be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth, not in graven images, which means an idol.
@Creamcrackered Thank You, Thank you, for your comment :) -
You're welcome, I hope you are well.
Sorry to many peadophiles have used that book to get away with crimes I have no time for relgion its all bs every churchie I know is in it for themselves. You are preaching offensive lies as far as I'm concerned. The day will come when all peadophiles get excatly what they deserve what will you do? The same as you do now defend them?
Thank you, for your comment :) -
Linda Joy
He's not preaching, and he's not defending pedophiles. He simply asked a question. And whether you believe it or not there is a stiff penalty in The Bible for anyone who offends one of His little ones.
Did you read it and still didn't understand, or are you asking us to read it and tell you what it says?
Thank you, for your comment :)
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