Democrats like to play the blame game. They're doing everything they can to destroy America and whatever it is in other countries that don't conform to globalism. Naturally, they can't own up to what they're doing, the consequences would be enormous. So they have to blame everyone else. First, it was Trump. Now it's Putin and Ukraine.
They are destroying the free world. All the farm business's I know of here are struggling lots aren't planting this season, ok its winter crop for us now, some of them will be broke by spring and never plant again. Its rich corporate scum cashing in big time on the increased energy prices is what is happening. They are making record profits. Who's interests do the Democrats act in? -
Army Veteran
You need to read Benjamin Franklin's "Dangers of a Salaried Bureaucracy" speech he gave at the US Constitutional Convention in 1787. The insight he had into human nature was so spot-on that it almost makes one's skin crawl to see how applicable it still is 200 years later.
it dont make sense..i just think its all skulduggery
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