The average price in the UK (according to the RAC) is £1.81 per litre, which works out around $8.58 per US gallon so I think you're paying less than I am and probably less than I was paying before the recent price hikes. Rising fuel costs are a worldwide issue.
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Cry now it affects you most country's have been putting up with this, caused by you greedy yanks for the last 20 years ,shut up and like it you voted for it, your politicians have been pushing for this for this entire century. Shut up and like it. Fuel is dearer than that here who much of it do you buy every week?
Army Veteran
It's the difference between Capitalism and Socialism. You Socialist Yahoos have high taxes because it supports your Socialist economy - free or reduced everything. We in the real world are fighting the Socialist bastards to get the hell out of Dodge. We do not want Socialism but it's being forced down our necks. High prices and government controls are the main reason we don't want any part of it. Capitalism triggers competition and competition brings lower prices. -
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As long as the democrats have their way it is just the tip of the iceberg. Watch for gas prices to get higher than Hunter Biden.
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$4.87 in NJ
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