The current voting age for federal elections is 18, although 17-year-olds are permitted to vote in Primary Elections if they will be turning 18 before the main election takes place. There is no state that allows voting at age 16, nor should there be. There should be limits on what constitutes the age of maturity, and 16 is nowhere close.
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Funny though, that old uncle Sam can put a rifle in their hands at 18 though. A REAL assault rifle! Maybe they should rethink the entire 18 year old responsibility thing too.
Army Veteran
Maybe you should invest 3 or 4 years in the military and see if you still have the same Liberal mindset when you get out. The flaw in your thinking is something called "maturity". When you try lumping all 18-year-olds into the same mold you lack mature thinking. -
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I did EXACTLY that back in the early 1970s as a draftee pal. Another of your opinions from out of left field ! -
Army Veteran
"Draftee" - Uh, huh. That tells me everything I need to know. You went in with a chip on your shoulder and came out voting Democrat. You're an open book. ((( PAL ))) -
Yup I and MANY like me were drafted comrade. I went in and did my time and got out in one piece, with an honorable discharge. I voted dem for a few years until they went so far left they no longer represented me. then voted rep for several years until the T-party took it over and Ted Cruz and his team shut down the govt in 13 over a political stunt. I left them because they had gone so far right they no longer represented me either. No, I'm a non partisan voter. While you are still a Russian sympathizer! Your posts supporting Putin and his aggression in the region told me all I need to know about you too kemosabe!
However, you cannot kill another human being by voting. The responsibility is higher for the use of firearms. Here, every individual is directly affected. In elections, one has the theoretical influence, but one also divides the responsibility among several people. Also with 16 one has already a right to be heard. If I already work at that age or have chosen my education, I can also vote.
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