Writing is a nice hobby, and I think it was especially useful during the pandemic. And it was really helpful to bring your thoughts on paper and also distract a little from this pandemic. Especially if you lived alone. So that was also the case for me. Writing helped me a lot I would say. I think it's great that you also want to publish your texts. I have also done some research and there a lot of publishers out but I have also found out, as I read many forums, that it is difficult to get any feedback from them. It would thus be an idea to get a list from, and preferably write to, publishers who specialize in new authors such as novum Publishing. I think if you have little experience, you have a better chance with such publishers. Do you like to make a living from being an author or is it just a hobby?
It helped me a lot during the lockdowns. Simply also as a change and to calm down. Certainly also as an escape from reality, I put myself into other stories. Some people can switch off during sports, I can do it while writing. I think it's great because you have so many options. I think a publication is the next step. I do not expect much now, but would like to try it once. I would also like to get to know the next steps. With the writing alone it is not done, there it needs much more work. I've also heard that you don't get much feedback and that you should try several publishers right away. You only have to send in the manuscripts, that's what I would do. Sounds good if new authors get a chance too. Otherwise, it tends to be only the established personalities or at least people you already know. I'll take a look at novum publishing and possibly send my manuscript there as well. I have a job and I like it too. Writing is a hobby for me. I would just like to see what else can come. When you run, you want to run a marathon someday:) Not because you want to become a professional but just to see what it takes and if you can do it. -
Yes, that's good if you can calm down while writing. However, you also have to think about who you are writing for... are you writing just for yourself to “clear” your head or are you writing to make the book available to the public? Personally, I wouldn't want anyone to read my "diary". But that could be completely different with you. You should know that publishing a book takes a lot of time and work. If you are with a publisher, then it is certainly easier. But you still have to work on a manuscript. In principle, anyone can publish a book. It doesn't take much. But the quality is very poor. I guess you don't want that, otherwise you wouldn't want to look for publishers..... But that’s just my guess :-) You have a good chance with publishers who specialize in authors without experience. There are also different genres represented. -
I think that goes hand in hand. I wrote my thoughts off my chest and I'm sure it's not just me in many cases. The stories are from real life and I think a few people can find themselves in it. It is not that I want to publish the book to help others. For me, it is simply the next step. At some point, you want to take that step and that point has come for me now. I think I've improved my writing so much that I can take the plunge. I have reached a level where I no longer have any reservations. Often you ask yourself: Am I good enough for this? My answer to that is, just give it a try, I've done what I can to contribute. When I take this step, I want to do it professionally. The quality is very important to me. I'm already aware that you can find many stories (especially online) that have been published without editing. I would never do that. -
Yes, some people can certainly find themselves in this time. This was or is a very "exciting" time for all of us - as I always say... it sounds almost like a movie... but after 2 years and the same movie I already have enough… ;-) If you think you're "lining up" at a point, I would pull professional help for advice. There you can get a lot of feedback and you are able to develop further... this is probably the best chance for you to gain even more experience. Especially because the quality plays an important role for you. In principle, you can publish anything you want. But if you want to focus on quality, then it's appropriate to deal with a publisher who will also help you with editing, etc. -
It would be good to know if anything else needs to be adjusted in order to be better received on the market. Maybe the reader wants something completely different or you just need to adjust a little. I would like to know that. The stories should stay the same, but I'm willing to adjust to the demands. I have contacted some publishers and wait for their answer. Hopefully I will get at least some feedback. -
Unfortunately, you can never know in advance what will ultimately be well received by the readership. You have to throw yourself into this adventure a bit. But I think that's what makes writing so exciting. Have you already received answers from the publishers?
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