Maybe it's the Communist influence that the Left supports so much. I can say for certain that when I was that age, I would have never thought about carrying a gun. We were taught respect for guns - we even took toy guns to school and played with them at recess. Such a thing was allowed. Today, you just point your finger at someone and you could get kicked out of school. The answer to your question is "irresponsibility" and Communism.
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I had my first B-B gun when I was 7 years old my first 22 cal. rifle when I was 9 and first 20 ga. shotgun at 12. There was never any accidents in my parents home with fire arms of any kind as we were raised to handle them properly and had requirements about using them. Parents today have be taught to be afraid of fire arms. Children are not taught about firearms and play video games with shooting and killing that all they need do is push the restart button and all is alive again. There are no restart buttons in life.
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