I've tried to
never knew them
I did when they were still alive and in the world with us. I learned so much from those old people that I as a grandparent now try to pass on down thru my own grandchildren. I still miss gran and gramps.
Linda Joy
I tried to give this a thumbs up. It turned the thumb white but held the count at 0. I refreshed the page but no 1 has shown up yet. It may show up later. -
You seem to be having issues on this site lately. I wonder what's up.
I'm pretty sure all 6 of my grandparents are dead. Never met my fathers' parents that I can recall. I met all 4 of my mothers' parents, but the only advice that filtered to me from them was a snide comment by my mother imitating her stepmother saying "A lady is a lady when she acts like one!" I guess mom didn't like it much because she was no lady! What about that 6 grandparents and not a drop of advice I could use.
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