bats /fireflies
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing!
drawings on the walls
A way out of the cave.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Most sensible answer. If you don't find that, I guess it doesn't much matter what else you found. -
I read of cases in history where people were permenately stuck in caves.
#1 a trillion dollars in gold - #2 a trillion dollars in diamonds - #3 a trillion dollars in art stolen by the Nazis and hidden in the cave - #4 the path to Shangri-La
Maybe the remains of man eating giants! 8/27/22
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
That link is dead. -
I just did the highlight and right click and then hit the "go to" link and it took me right to the story. -
Linda Joy
I couldn't get that link to work either, but after taking off the front of it and searching google, I found a similar article. -
Here is another link
Jennifer's body. 😇
Linda Joy
Watch out boy! Watch out boy! She's an admitted ball crusher! A PUA and a maneater! This could be entertaining! -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Nice video. I like Hall and Oates.
A rain forest? The dismembered body of an ax murderer? No, wait, a time traveler!
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for your question. I wouldn't be surprised if there are dismembered bodies found in caves.
The Batmobile
Great Answer! I wonder what vehicles Aquaman keeps in the Aquacave...or Birdman in the Birdmancave. -
Linda Joy
Excellent answer! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I found Wonder Woman's invisible jet once. Knocked into it on accident. I think someone might have stolen it and then forgot where they parked it. -
Linda Joy
I'd like to have her lariat that makes people tell the truth and use it on politicians!
The fountain of youth / cure for all diseases.
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