Potato chips
Fry bread is my favorite unhealthy food!
Rendered Pork rinds (cracklings). April 08 2022
Chips and pretzels, especially Doritos. * Cheese, with 100% whole wheat bread or crackers (but I also like cottage cheese, which is pretty healthy for you compared to most other types of cheese) * stroganoff (beef or chicken) * swedish meat balls * pizza (even though I like the supreme, which has veggies, it's still chock full of fat and calories)
Ramen Noodles package.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Just the package, or the noodles as well? -
Linda Joy
Start with the letter "A" and I'll stop you when you get to something I don't like...
Linda Joy
hot dogs
Fresh baked brownies with ice cream.
I enjoy chocolate bars, an occasional cake, crisps, burgers, pizzas and chips. I would space out all these foods so as I’m consuming a small amount each week. It could be once a week when I have a few of the foods I mentioned so as I’m not overdoing it and be able to work out in the gym once a week to work off the unhealthy foods.
pizza but thin crust and no meat. This way its less fat, cholesteral. So its somewhat healthier than regular-thick crust pizza with meat&cheese. I know cheese contains cholesteral but with no meat it lessens the cholesteral.
ALL of them!!! I learned at a young age that IF it tastes good to spit it out because it can't be good for you!!!
hot dogs
Mallowmars were on special last week. I finished the box tonight with dinner. Mmm mmm good.
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