Who wants to drive an oldcar . Classic is a load of rubbish silly old fools telling untrue storys is my experience, you'll be filling up and some person will start telling you a bs story about how they used to have the same car 30 years ago and how good it was too bad if you're in a hurry to go some where.
Army Veteran
"30 years ago"? ? There were no classic cars 30 years ago - try 50 years ago and longer. THOSE were CLASSIC. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Stevo, thanks for sharing! lol
It depends mostly on the model, and especially on supply and demand (which, note, varies considerably over time). Some classic cars are excellent investments, but as is the case with stocks you don't know how MUCH your investment is going to appreciate, or how quickly, until after it happens. There are several online articles listing which classic cars are (supposedly) the best investment.,
If you're old enough to appreciate style and beauty - YES, it is worth every penny of it. Other attributes include: more roomy, simple technology that allowed most people to work on their own vehicle, room to add a sound system without ripping out the entire interior, rear-wheel drive (for burn-outs)...stevo can keep his mini cooper - give me a 1972 Challenger or a 1969 Chevelle (like the one I had....stevo) 😆
I still have my 71 HQ it would eat both of those cars you toss off about name the race. It took me 7 years to rebuild it, its still old tec nothing special to drive. You don't know who made HQ do you 1465? You don't have any old cars you are the exact tosser I'm referring to?
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