Ever eat scrambled eggs that were so dry that they stuck to the plate?
Moving Violation
Watch what you say some goomba out there might try that and that would be bad! March.14.2022 -
Jenny The Great ⭐
1465, I see what you mean, thanks for sharing!
Nothing much~Better lubricants out there way, over rated! Leaves a sticky residue! March.14.2022
I just cleaned my wife's frosted headlights with WD-40. Looks clear now.
At one time I was acquainted with a lady who knew the man who invented WD40. He invented it for his wife who was suffering from arthritis. He would soak her in the bathtub full of WD40 several times each day. In a few months she was in complete relief from the arthritis. He applied for a patent as a relief for arthritis but the government would not grant him a patent as a medicine because of the petroleum products in the formula. He then applied for a patent for a lubricant and received it.
I cleaned my frosted/dirty headlights with it.
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