• No. You shouldn't really need them. Edema in the legs is a sign that you're not drinking enough water (as strange as it may seem). Yes, you need to get rid of this excess water retention, but the body will (should) do that when you start drinking more water. Here's how it works: There are two oceans of water in the body - a freshwater ocean located in the interior of the cells and an ocean made up of water and salt that is located in the extracellular region (outside the cells). Proper health requires that these two oceans be maintained in a delicate balance. You lose around 2 quarts of water per day through respiration (breathe on a mirror to see the water vapor), kidney function, thermoregulation (evaporation as the body regulates its temperature), and waste removal. Most people don't replace this water adequately because they're of the belief that soft drinks and other beverages that contain water supply the needed water. They don't - nothing substitutes for water. Thus, the body then begins to hold onto salt from food (the dreaded "too much salt" the medical profession claims we get) because salt retains water and this is the only way the body can protect itself from cell damage. Because this collected water contains salt, it is held in the ocean of water located outside the cells. It's because of gravity that it settles in the lower legs and hands/fingers. Normally, the problem can be fixed by avoiding salt for a few days and increasing the water intake to replace the freshwater needed in the cells. Once the balance between the two oceans is restored, there will be no more need for the extra salt, and it will be flushed away. As for the excess water that is held by the body, that water is filtered to remove the salt and injected into the cells as emergency rations. While that sounds like an okay thing, it isn't. The increased pressure needed for this process (called ' reverse osmosis ') is provided by the blood pressure. Yes - that's why we get high blood pressure. The readings seen in high blood pressure reflect the increased pressure being used for the injection process. The "too much salt" claim is misinformation from the medical profession. The explanation I've given here is a generalized account. There are commonly seen exceptions that involve other deficiencies which affect the process, so don't take this as absolute medical advice. It is just a starting point in finding and fixing the problem. Do your own homework and talk to a knowledgeable doctor (good luck finding one). Never - I repeat NEVER reduce or stop taking prescribed medication without the supervision of your doctor. I am no expert - I am speaking strictly from over 10 years of research for my own needs.

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