I think you shouldn't be complaining. This is exactly what you asked for by voting Biden in - LIVE WITH IT.
I think that's a lot cheaper than here in the UK where it's now around £1.60 a litre, which is about $7.90 for a US gallon. Around 50% of the cost is tax.
Army Veteran
You used a currency converter, didn't you? You were only 2 cents off. -
Yes I agree -
Professor Yaffle
I figured it was close enough given exchange rate fluctuations, I ignored the fractions of a penny/cent.
North America has enough fuel to power every passenger car for 430 years. The problem is the mannequin in the White House.
Army Veteran
Pinnochio Joe -
What can't see what you assholes wrote ? -
The problem is domestic products are sold overseas while we continue to import the "cheap" stuff like a form of crack addiction. Is'nt the free market wonderful?
Too bad for small business that took on building maintenance contracts . Didn't you like my other answer does the truth offend you?
Yes I agree
3/15/22 The price of a barrel of oil is now below $100 again, but only $0.01 lower at the gas pump. Who to blame: Biden? Putin? OPEC? USA refiners? The free market? Another beached Evergreen container ship?
Yes I agree
The price of gas shouldn't be anywhere near what it is now. A barrel of oil produces more than just unleaded gas. The same barrel of oil that your tank of gas comes from also produces the other grades of gas, as well as diesel fuel. It also produces other types of fuel oil as well as one of the main components for producing plastic and other materials. The price you pay at the pump pays for about 1/3 the cost of the oil itself. Multiply that by 3 (the 3 different grades of gas) and the rest can be split between expenses and pure profit. A lot of people don't know this, but the price of oil has been jacked up enormously to sell it to the West (and even the West jacks up the price for their own use - to realize their huge profits). Consumers in the Middle East pay less than one dollar per gallon for gas made from oil obtained there. People should be up in arms about it - but they aren't being educated on it. Even their own government lies to them.
Yes I agree
Quit buying gas. Or at the very least stop wasting it.
Get a life !!!
That's not bad compared to California's gas prices.
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