• I thought Putin was smart. or at least that is what Trumps said:
    • ★Stevo
      you are aware the results google shows me will be totally different to what it shows you?
    • Army Veteran
      I don't think he's aware that the link he provided will show different results to anyone who follows it. In the first place, it goes to a search page where people have to look for what he's talking about, and second, which of the search results on that page mention "what Trump said"?
    • ★Stevo
      there is no trump said on the first page of the results google give me.
  • He has been there too long.
  • Lindsay Graham needs to go as well as Mitch McConnell. They're traitors to their party.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Wow, for once we agree!!! Horray Miracles DO HAPPEN. Oh Momma, there is a God.
    • Army Veteran
      They'd be better off applying for full card-carrying membership to the Democratic Treason Party. Conservatives would be rid of them and Dems will have a couple more idiots to point fingers at.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      From the same guy who said Hitler wasn't an anti-Semite; lol.
  • That would be up to his constituents that put him in office. The rest of us don't have any say in that matter. Just like the squad.
  • He's been there way too long.
  • I'd rather have Lindsey Buckingham than Lindsey Graham any day of the week. 😋
    • ★Stevo
      How does Fleetwood Mac have anything to do with Lindsey Graham?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Absolutely Nothing. I'm sure Buckingham knows nothing about how to be a senator. This would still make him better than Graham who is a self-loathing closeted homosexual. Aka "Lady-G" Its an open secret on Capitol Hill and has been for years.
  • He's been there too long.

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