need to still plan for future etc but yes life is fragile ,can be here one minute and gone the next
Thank you for your comment :)
If I did that I'd homeless.
Thank you sir
False. There is some wisdom in that...but one must consider the POSSIBILITIES of the future. *** FOR EXAMPLE: one ought to consider the POSSIBILITY that one might live until retirement age, and the financial consequences that accompany retirement. And, therefore, one OUGHT to make at least some sort of financial plans in preparation for that possibility. *** MORE IMMEDIATE EXAMPLE: you have a full-time job, 9-5. You decide to "live for the day" and skip work. The next day, you do the same. The next day, you do the same. By the end of the week, you're unemployed. Maybe you should have considered the NEAR FUTURE consequences of your "live for the day" lifestyle.
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is false hope to rely on possibilities. Didn't you forget it is God's will and not ours? -
I'm not talking about RELYING on possibilities. I'm talking about PREPARING for them. The Bible is full of such instructions. -
Thanks gang -
Jenny The Great ⭐, your answer contradicts Scripture. There are no possibilities of the future without God's will. His will is the advancement of His Kingdom, and not your "preparations" of false hope. What then do you hope for if you are prepared for the desires of the world? Can you come down here and answer the question or does your comment deserve a Facepalm? -
(sigh) Just one example LOTS and LOTS of others, literally hundreds upon hundreds of verses in the Bible in which God instructs his followers to prepare for future events, to store things for the future, to plant (so as to raise crops in the future), etc. ad infinitum -
Jenny The Great ⭐, Isaiah 14:21 is for the will of God of animal sacrifices. The verse says: "Prepare for his sons a place of slaughter Because of the iniquity of their fathers. They must not arise and take possession of the earth And fill the face of the world with cities." What you are doing is preparing for your OWN will, and that's a No-No in the eyes of God. Hundreds of verses? Your epic fails with the first biblical passage you added.
Thank you
True. It is written in the Bible that we don't know the day of tomorrow. James 4:14 "yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."
Thank you Jenny -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are welcome.
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