Other than fire, any fundamental tool. The lever, for example. Other than that, other basic and fundamental inventions such as: clothing, construction of homes, agriculture (purposefully tending and raising crops), husbandry (ditto with regard to food animals), and some more advanced things such as cheese (a way to preserve dairy food), smelting ore, concrete, lenses, the medical x-ray, nmr (now called mri), etc.
Linda Joy
There are so many! I was fascinated with the electric motor and the whole idea of alternating current. The city I live in is called the Magic City because it sprung up almost overnight because of the steel industry. -
Hmmm...Birmingham, AL, perhaps? (You probably shouldn't answer that...) -
Linda Joy
Why? You think someone might find me here among the other 200,000 people? And how many of them do you think are named Linda?
The axle: what good is a wheel if you can't connect it to something else?
The lines on the highway. Without them, the accident rate would be much higher.
The equipment to utilise the discoveries of electricity & radio waves. The world would be a very different place without those inventions.
Any type of invention that goes in circles such as a clock
Smartphones. Everyone needs them all the time
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