is fine if its not days old and that you have put it in the fridge soon and not leaving it on the bench for hours ..
Thanks, Pamela for your comment :)
Joe's inaction and Vladimir's ambition just greatly extended the shelf life of your left-overs.
Ukraine will make you go insane in the membrane
That depends on (A) what it is (B) how long it's been in the fridge (C) what condition it was in when it was first put in the fridge ... etc. Some specific examples, GENERALLY SPEAKING in MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: *** eggs in the shell will last weeks (by which I mean: 8 or more weeks) and still be perfectly edible, but quality (taste, texture) goes down the longer they are in the fridge *** cooked meat will last more than a week, but less than two weeks *** for some reason, most coldcuts don't last that long *** but in cases of meat the smell is your guide. If it smells bad, don't eat it. *** a cheese block will last for months without loss of flavor or texture. IF you get spots of green mold on the outside of cheese block, just cut off the mold (which is only on the surface) and enjoy. *** similarly bread, but when it begins to mold the mold tends to go much deeper than with cheese. Once you've got significant mold you'll want to throw it out *** veggies: much like meat, go by the smell. Also the texture will change, "crisp" veggies like celery will get mushy and turn brown, they should be thrown out if they are in that condition or the brown mushy parts should be cut off and discarded before using the portion that remains firm and the correct color *** I'm 60 and have not contracted food poisoning from eating such "past date" food in all my years. *** Best solution is to be rigorous (that is: strict) about eating leftovers FIRST, that is ASAP, so there's no chance that they will go bad. If you have WAY TOO MANY leftovers, the freezer will keep them for a month or more easily. Use plastic containers to separate leftovers into single-meal-sized portions before freezing.
Thanks for sharing :)
2 days ok...3 days questionable
Thanks for your comments :-)
The first step in having "safe leftovers" is cooking the food safely. Use a food thermometer to make sure that the food is cooked to a safe, minimum internal temperature.
Moving Violation
Excellent March 25 2022 -
Thank you
Do not have any left overs got 2 big doggos! Well 3 now one had one pup last Saturday. Did not know she was pregnant! March 25 2022
Thank you
The Health Department told us food can stay at room temp for a total of 3 hours and 3 days in the fridge. However this is including the time you had it in your cart at the store before you put it in the fridge and before and after you cook it. And that's a total for both combined not just one then the other. If I know I have more than I can eat in two days I'll put it in the freezer. Used to be one day when I was on chemo.
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