That you should lay off the late-night pizza. *** Seriously: the Bible warns us against attributing meaning to dreams that are not prophetic, and against anyone other than a "true prophet" interpreting a dream. *** Dreams tend to be, or at least tend to include, a hodge-podge of memories. Sometimes I dream of childhood friends (whom I have not seen for 50+ years). Sometimes I dream of them being in the same room as current acquaintances...and, at times, in a room that neither of them were ever in (but that I remember well). Sometimes people from movies or TV appear. Sometimes the dream is set in a movie or TV location. etc. It's all a mixture, and never makes much sense.
Thanks for your information well appreciated
Funny, many years ago dreams were considered one of our senses, (see famous people who have made scientific discoveries in dreams). Dreams are also featured in the bible. Dreams are usually about the feelings, how you felt, and often others can represent a part of you rather than a separate person. Of course as Biblereviews has said, some dreams are just a combination of things that have gone through your mind in the daytime.
Thanks for your information well appreciated
In my interpretation it means: your Atheist cousin is in need of your spiritual water. Revelation 22:17 "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let the one who hears say, Come. And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price."
Thanks for the comment
Nothing April 04 2022
It means you have an imagination. But then, we've seen that in here.
Be glad he saw, and didn't fall over you. It's happened...
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