They can still be charged with sex offences jailed and deported when they complete their sentence. Its not legal to molester children.
Why do you consider the barring of paedophiles from entering a country a "horror story", isn't it a good thing? Many countries have enacted legislation that enables them to prosecute citizens or resisidents for sexual offences committed abroad, some have made travelling abroad to have sex with a minor, even if legal in that country a specific offence. Non citizens convicted of serious crimes are often deported & refused re-entry, not just by the USA, the UK & most EU states have similar policies.
I mean, if the partner is 14 or 15, they are not paedophiles because they are not prepuberty. -
Professor Yaffle
14 & 15 year olds are minors, or to put it differently, children. Adults having sex with children is wrong. I'm not going to argue with you over the dictionary definition of peadophile, adults who have sex with minors are nonces & indefensible.
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