The US makes it incredibly easy for people to get guns. What can be done to reduce gun ownership: both parties should take notes from other developed nations by requiring one or more background checks.
Army Veteran
Note to self: "The US already requires background checks." See how quickly a 10-year-old can purchase a gun. Why do felons have to buy guns off the streets - why not buy them from dealers? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You should note to self: it is too easy to buy guns in the US. Adults can easily buy guns for kids. Obviously as you hear a lot about school shootings, MORE background checks will have to be done, cause "The US already requires background checks" - is NOT enough. -
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Army Veteran
Yes, adults could buy guns for kids - but what **responsible** adult would do such a thing unless he has taught his kid about proper gun safety and responsibility. How many kids involved in school shootings have come from Conservative homes? I haven't seen a survey and I can guess neither have you. But an educated guess would place the number at zero. The background checks by the US are adequate - the Constitution should be amended to include the word "responsible". Since it doesn't (it was assumed that people who had fought for their freedom would be responsible), Liberals try to create a loophole under an "if it doesn't say I can't, then I can" logic. Their thought process is that of a child, and so it appears that the law should be amended to cater to them. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
What responsible adult would do such a thing? This seriously can't be your comeback. Knock-knock, we are living in a modern world were chaos, carelessness, unrest, greed, war, poverty and extreme ideological divides are multiplying around the globe.
The way to control guns is to control crime and give kids discipline at a young age to prevent them from becoming criminals with guns. When you have the means to protect yourself and your families, would-be criminals would be more apt to leave you alone. Take away the means to protect yourself - as the Democrats advocate, and you give criminals an open invitation to attack you. As anyone can see, the Left is soft on crime - they wanted to defund police, they want to see low or no bail for dangerous criminals (such as the driver in Wisconsin who killed the people in the parade group), they do nothing about violent protests by Antifa and BLM which they support. They don't want to see the violence end. Thus, they want to repeal the 2nd amendment so that people cannot protect themselves. This isn't the behavior of a political group that is charged with protecting the welfare of its citizens - it's the actions of a Bolshevik regime.
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There are two problems. *1* The U.S. Constitution guarantees everyone the right "to bear arms". That vague wording means that every time a law limiting firearm ownership is introduced by Congress that law is liable to lawsuit and open to being struck down as unconstitutional. *2* The so-called "gun lobby" - the group of lobbyists that promote complete lack of regulation in the ownership of firearms - is very powerful politically speaking, and the percentage of the population that supports that same position is also a very significant minority, and thus is also powerful, politically speaking. *** SO: the chance of amending the Constitution to limit private ownership of firearms is EXTREMELY low at the current time. No amendment limiting private firearm ownership in ANY way is likely to garner the necessary support of 3/4 of the states at this time. *** Thus, the hands of Congress are LARGELY tied, even when both major parties are in agreement (which is rare). The most they can typically do - even when in agreement - is to require additional paperwork and background checks, and increase waiting periods, for purchasers of firearms.
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