Doctors used to be prohibited from advertising - just as smoking is now. They have since been able to get on TV and convince people that they need a specific medication for whatever issues they may be having. Add to this the conflict of interest that elected officials are guilty of when they're allowed to invest in the pharmaceutical industry and you have a recipe for addictions and the high cost of healthcare/medications.
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Charin Cross
yeah, look at what Purdue did by getting hundreds of thousands of people hooked and killed with opoids. big pharma is disgusting. Nine billionaires have been created because of covid.
Well, some medications improve peoples functioning ability, if a medication is a controlled substance, then this will be reviewed regularly, of course in some cases they are still open to addiction. Doctors are under a lot of pressure, with limited resources, it's a sad fact but true. Also, Big Pharma do stand to make a lot of money.
Thank you for your comment Creamcrackered
Because the USA is the only country in the world which does not have a healthcare system. It has a healthcare business. This means everything is profit driven with little care to improve anything that cuts down profits. They WANT people to be sick, depressed and unhappy as it means they spend more on pills, creams and surgeries.
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That's right medicine for profit needs to be examined and redone.
The US is too busy supporting scumbags. Back alley drug dealers go to jail when they get caught. Corporate boardroom drug dealers hide behind bankruptcy and keep most of their billions when they get caught. The Sackler family have never been charged criminally. They will pay $4.3 billion for individual payments to victims of opioids and addiction programs
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The opioids are in question here I think. Doctors should have been required to warn their patients about how addictive opioids are when they prescribe them for pain. Any form of the poppy is dangerous and addictive if over used. We know that because of centuries of experience with opium and it's derivatives. The doctors though are the ones who know which drugs they prescribe are opioids though. We patients can't always tell by the name of the medicine. The govt of the USA pays lots of medical bills for lots of people and their medicines. If they are prescribed by a doctor in good standing, why would they question them unles a problem develops?
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