My late paternal grandma claimed to be a Christian and one time sent us a Christmas card written with Merry X-mas It kind of made me upset and I was a small child remembering that to this day
It makes no difference to me. It could be an Atheist, Jew or a Jehovah's Witness sending you the greeting card. You can't force them to write Merry Christmas, so just accept the greeting card for the sake of giving.
Thank you, Jenny .. Merry Christmas !!! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are welcome, and Merry Christmas to you too when the day comes, saying this on 12/4/2021.
I guess not everybody agrees with your strict rules for Christmas carding. BTW I deliberately say Season's Greetings because I know it will piss of the right people. lol
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Army Veteran
We cut you Lefties some slack during the Christmas season - we know that ignorance prevails among you and we try to be a little more charitable. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
The only reason you aren't in jail is because of the Constitution - something you Nazi's oppose. (except when it comes to killing unarmed Black people) -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
And don't call me ignorant when you say the Holocaust never happened.
There is no such thing as the War on Christmas. It was made up by Bill O'Reilly to drive up Fox News ratings. Nobody is trying to get rid of Christmas. I wish they would. It would save money and allow me to get away from difficult relatives.
Thank you for your comment :) -
Army Veteran
My only problem with Christmas is that it's too commercialized. It's the time of year when excessive pressure is being applied to buy, buy buy. Families who are already having a problem making ends meet (thank you, Brandon) during the rest of the year end up spending the otherwise joyous holiday in a state of depression. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
And of course this is all Biden fault. lol
it dont worry me because i dont think that's the reason they write Xmas..its just done for short..
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It doesn't really make any difference for two reasons: 1) It's just a shortened form of the original word "Christmas". "X-mas" or "Christmas" - the spiritual meaning is the same - anyone who can't understand that needs to do some soul searching. 2) The actual date of Christ's birth was most likely the first or second week in September according to historical documents and Biblical clues. Because the Bible is rather outspoken on the number of generations between each (and Jesus was the beginning of a new generation), I would venture to say September 14th. The fact that it is celebrated in December doesn't bother me, either. If Jesus wanted the world to celebrate His birth, He would have recorded the date and commanded it. If people choose to celebrate it on their own, it honors Him, while showing integrity among themselves - a win-win for everyone involved. Exactly *when* they choose to do so is of little consequence.
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X is the Greek alphabet is Chi, from the first letter of Greek for Christ, the second is P, the Rho, Chi Rho is Christos. This is in relation to Constantine who used it on his military standard, known as the labarum, in hopes of bringing divine protection from the Christian God during battle. Earlier symbols in use were the staurogram and the IX monogram. Christians also used this symbol in frescoes and on sarcophagi. In pre-Christian times this abbreviation was short for chreston, meaning good, and would be written in the margin of a page to mark a particularly valuable or relevant passage. After the Chi Rho symbol became associated with Christ, Latin texts would use the abbreviation with different endings to modify the word—XPo for Christo, XPi for Christi, and XPs for Christus. However, from what I've read, I don't believe Constantine ever turned from his worship of the Sun, Mithras Sol Invictus, (the unconquerable sun) and that this ancient symbol is related to the Sun. Regarding the merchants marks, the P was inverted to reversed to a number 4 in medieval times and was the staff of Mercury. It doesn't bother me if I get a card with Xmas, I believe in a persons intent, what's in the heart. However, Christmas is actually Saturnalia, which is why you have the gift buying, the drunkenness, and debauchery, it was the Catholic church that overlaid it, same as Easter which is the goddess Ostara, or Ishtar. The bible doesn't state to celebrate Jesus birthday, and it certainly wouldn't of been on the 25th December, flocks would not be in the fields in that month, too cold. The 25th has always been in relation to the Sun, for it sits in the sky for three days, and then the days start to get longer, December exists in the planet Saturn.
Thank you for your comment :) -
No worries :)
That seems to come from the old English language. They borrowed it from the Greek language; "The term derives from Middle English Cristenmasse, meaning "Christian mass". Xmas is an abbreviation of Christmas found particularly in print, based on the initial letter chi (Χ) in Greek Khrīstos (Χριστός), "Christ", though numerous style guides discourage its use."
Thank you for sharing
yeah that's just lazy, ugly and disrespectful.
Yes it is for sure
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