In different ways. However: religion in general CAN be characterized as A superstition. I say that despite myself being a devout Christian. That is to say: religious people can be described as "superstitious" --by definition-- (of the word "superstitious"). *** Now, that being said: I do NOT consider myself to be superstitious, and I do NOT describe myself as "superstitious", nor do I describe another person as superstitious on the basis of how religious they are. I consider myself to be VERY practical-minded, and though most religious people I know are not SO practical-minded as myself, most of them I would never describe as "superstitious".
Religion can be simply defined as the belief and worship of a God or gods. According to this definition, religion is a system of beliefs which is functional for the society. Sociologists believe that religion is not merely a part of human society and culture but has a distinctive purpose. This can be understood through Yinger’s definition of religion. He believes that a religion is “a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggle with the ultimate problems of human life.” By problems of life, he refers to the day to day realities such a birth, death, pain, suffering, etc. In order to cope these problems in life, religion provides us with a system of beliefs. According to Sociologists, a religion not only creates a belief system for people to embrace, but also creates a collective conscience. Since it is impossible to carry on with a social life unless there is a shared value system, religion fills this void. It also creates social stability and maintains order in the society. For example, let us consider the role of religion during the Feudal era. The authority of the society was backed by Christianity, which made the people obey the orders of the ruler because disobedience was viewed as going against God. In today’s world, there are a large number of religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc. All these religions function in the society with the sole intent of heightening social solidarity. Unlike a religion that consists of a system of beliefs centering on a God or gods, a superstition can be defined as a belief in supernatural influences or a practice based on this. Superstitions are created by people and are transmitted from one generation to the other. In the ancient days, people had great faith and belief in superstitions. Now, of course, this situation has changed. This is mainly due to technological advances and the improvement in science that have made people realize that superstitions are mere beliefs and nothing more. In certain cultures, which have not yet been influenced by the latest developments, superstitions still exist. Sometimes, even in those societies that we consider as very much advanced, superstitions can exist. This is because, through the socialization process, we have acquired different cultural attributes such as values, superstitions, myths that it is difficult to shake them off. Superstitions can include witchcraft, magic, evil spirits, and traditional beliefs as well. Superstitions and our cultural beliefs are usually intertwined that it is difficult to separate one from the other. Superstitions are related to luck as well. The superstitious belief that seeing a black cat is bad luck is one such example.
That would be a very poor and inaccurate definition of "religion". Many religions are atheistic, including many variants of Buddhism and many variants of ancestor worship. -
(I mention those two in particular because the atheistic followers of those two number in the hundreds of millions). -
Buddhism is a branch of Hinduism, which has gods. Buddhism finds that the word God, is the final obstacle to experiencing enlightenment, which it can be, no point carrying out rituals if you don't experience what God is. Not all ancestor worship believed there was no god, Those who practice Tengriism hold the belief that their very existence is sustained by the eternal blue Sky (Tengri), the fertile Mother Earth (Eje), and the holy spirit of the sky. There is seen similar belief in ancient Egypt with Nut and Geb. The Lion-man of the Hohlenstein-Stadel is considered to be one of the oldest figurinesin the world, as old as 35000 to 40000 years old. Made of Ivory, the structure is a strange figure of a lion headed man, which is the oldest known evidence of religious belief. After that is the Venus of Willendorf which is an 11.1-centimetre-tall (4.4 in) Venus figurine estimated to have been made around 25,000 years ago. It is carved from an oolitic limestone that is not local to the area, and tinted with red ochre. Which is interesting because some of the earliest graves were of human remains in the sitting position surrounded by red ochre, as if they were going back to the womb of the earth.
There are many religions in the world that are moved by superstition. The Bible describes superstition as ignorant faith, such as putting your faith in idols, all sorts of objects, including certain animals and taboo rituals having allegedly magical powers. 1 Timothy 4:7 "But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness."
Was the Friday 13th superstition based on the crucifixion of Jesus?
traditions may enhance their superstitions
they often follow ancient traditions
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