Safer, without a doubt. Anti-gun liberals who believe that gun laws will have any effect on criminals are living in fantasyland. Criminals will always be able to get guns, and when they do, it's the unarmed citizen who complies with the gun laws and can't protect himself who becomes the victim.
Awesome thanks for your comment -
How do you come to that conclusion you yanks love shooting each other? The more guns the more shootings there will be?
As self-defense is the top priority, guns do more good than bad.
Awesome thanks for your comment
The freedom to own guns *** makes such a society safer from external threats *** makes such a society more dangerous for its citizens. *** The statistics are pretty substantial in demonstrating that nations that allow citizens to own firearms have a much higher violent crime rate and a much higher murder rate than do nations with strict controls on firearm ownership.
Thank you well appreciated
"The statistics are pretty substantial in demonstrating that nations that allow citizens to own firearms have a much higher violent crime rate and a much higher murder rate than do nations with strict controls on firearm ownership." 100% Correct, and worth repeating.
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It makes violence easier, but doesn't eradicate it, here in the UK there are stabbings everyday, take the gun, you still have a number of other things that can be used as a weapon, and we still get shooting here as well, all you really do is unarm the decent folk.
Thank you Creamcrackered
Guns are dangerous weapons which can cause death to another person or people when being handled by a criminal so to answer your question directly, they make society more violent. Whoever thinks that guns make society safer are either criminal or have a dangerous mind. Anyone who thinks that having a gun for self defence don't realise the consequences they face if they use the gun on someone because it is immoral and illegal to harm or kill another person. Dumb people on here.
Yes I agree
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