New York is one of the States that will be able to make it easy that people to get their hands on guns so what do you think?
There's nothing "easy" or "hard" about it. If Chief Justice John Roberts can keep from shooting SCOTUS in the foot, the 1st amendment will prevail.
Thanks for your comment
If the Supreme Court makes it easier for people to get guns, crime will increase in the US. Although some states have a strong interest in imposing reasonable restrictions on who can carry a concealed weapon and under what circumstances.
Yes Jenny I agree with you -
Army Veteran
You're absolutely incorrect. People seem to think that outlawing guns will stop gun-related crime because "no one will be able to buy guns". That's like saying if you fence in your yard, your dog won't get into your neighbor's yard. But the idiotic logic behind such a theory requires that the dog not know how to jump over or dig under the fence. In other words, dogs that obey the commands to stay in the year will do so - those who don't obey commands will find a way to get over (or under) the fence. The same is true for gun control - honest citizens who obey the laws would not be able to obtain guns. Then there are those people who could care less about the law - you think THEY will obey the gun laws? I think not. They'll find guns and they will get guns. Then what do you have? You have innocent people who the gun laws were NOT meant to affect, with no way to protect themselves, while criminals who couldn't care less about gun control or any other laws will get their hands on guns and attack or kill innocent people. How is the government going to go after and prosecute these violators who don't register their guns? Or do you have some kind of ingenious plan to get criminals to register the guns they're prohibited from having in the first place? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
1465, I am absolutely incorrect because I stand for law and order? Everyone knows criminals will always get a hold of guns. That's whole idea of being criminal. But for people like yourself and others who oppose gun reforms and say that nothing can be done to stem the violence is demonstrably wrong. Outlawing guns will result in marginal improvements at best. -
Army Veteran
You take my comment out of context. If you want to put words in my mouth and say that I believe nothing can be done to stem gun violence, at least give it some kind of substance and don't leave it as an open-ended premise. If people are allowed to defend themselves, then yes, something can be done to stem gun violence - people can fight back and protect themselves. Look at Chicago as your paradigm of logic. They have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation - and one of the highest crime rates. The reason is, the residents have to abide by strict gun control laws while the criminals simply go to surrounding suburbs to get the guns they want. The **RESULT** is, there are more criminals with guns and fewer law-abiding citizens who are allowed to protect themselves. ERGO: there is a higher crime rate. You call this "marginal improvements"? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
1465, you are putting words in your mouth for discouraging gun control with your dog logic. We know that all the shootings we hear about are unpredictable. It is an outcome of the country’s lack of political will to make a change and an underinvestment in prevention approaches that work. Through a public health approach that focuses on drawing from evidence and addressing the factors that increase or decrease the risk of gun violence, particularly in communities that are disproportionately: without education and gun reforms, violence increases.
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