This person has committed retail theft in local stores well she received a letter from the Clerk of Courts telling her to pay this fine but it also gave her the option to allow the fine to a collection agency so I never heard of such a thing could they take her to court with the collection agency and make a judgement on her any help with be good
Army Veteran
I've never heard of such a thing, but it makes sense, in a way. If the charge was a misdemeanor not requiring jail time, the matter could be handled adequately through a collection agency. The way collection agencies work is they buy outstanding debts from creditors (the "debt" being a fine and the "creditor" being the court in this case). In doing this, the court is guaranteed to collect the money - from the collection agency. Once they get their money, the problem is then in the hands of the collection agency. If she doesn't pay, the collection agency could get an automatic judgment against her, which could incur additional costs. -
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In the U.S. you cannot be jailed for failure to pay a debt. SO (it seems to me), the court is giving the person a choice: (1) You can pay the fine in full by some specified date, OR (2) we can assign it to a collection agency and they will hound you mercilessly until you pay the debt. Option (1) is better for the court because they will be paid in full. However, if it seems to them that they will NOT be paid, option (2) means that they will be paid at least a portion of the money and THEY don't have to employ people to hound debtors, to collect the money from them. *** In other words: it's the same option a debtor ALWAYS gets from a reputable company that is owed a debt. If you don't pay by a certain date, we will higher professional debt collectors to collect the debt.
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they may be able to pay less
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