False. Invasion of privacy, secondly pervy peeping toms and worse would probably enjoy that, and finally there is one thing that will disable a cameras use, a mask or other face covering. If a person wears a mask a positive ID cannot be taken.
I agree @Creamcrackered thank you
In your world, perhaps. But the fact that there are already videos of crimes being posted on social media proves that recording them is no deterrent.
Wow smh
People are on video committing crimes all the time.
I agree with you
Wrong! Especially when leftists defund the police!
Yes I agree
False. In fact: the very act of "everyone video taping everyone" (all the time) would itself generate thousands upon thousands of new crimes every year.
Thanks for your comment
False. There are cameras everywhere and it has not prevented crimes.
I agree with you, thank you :)
No, some crimes are committed alone. If (A) everyone video recorded THEMSELVES, ALL THE TIME, and (B) always quickly posted said videos on the internet, then (C) the crimes that WOULD DEFINITELY BE committed would be solved relatively quickly.
I agree with you, thank you :)
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