All that Caffeine in them just makes you wonder why people risk drinking them
Linda Joy
Why do you do the same thing with coffee? "Coffee and Red Bull offer similar amounts of this stimulant per serving, though coffee has a little more. Regular and sugar-free Red Bull contain 75–80 mg of caffeine per 8.4-ounce (248-mL) can ( 1 , 2 ). Meanwhile, coffee packs around 96 mg per cup (240 mL) ( 4 ).Sep 16, 2019 Coffee vs. Red Bull: Nutrients, Caffeine, and Recommendation"
They also play with you memory terribly. 😏
Yes I agree
For the same reason there are now labels on car batteries warning not to drink the contents. Stupidity has no limits.
Yeah people have no brains
Well they have names like Monster, and Red Bull, I think that says it all, they are another addictive legal high that THEY can make money from, much like cigarettes and alcohol. I wouldn't go and eat 14 teaspoons of sugar and drink two cups of coffee, but that is what an energy drink is. Still fizzy drinks are no better, hence a population with diabetes and rotten teeth.
Thank you Creamcrackered well appreciate :)
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