As long as boobs like Biden keep supplying them with the most advanced weapons, of course, they'll be a threat. This also answers the 2nd part of your question.
Army Veteran
I am not your "dear". I'll ignore the rest of the comment since you're obviously in denial. -
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Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - You haven't told us what you'd do differently in Afghanistan? I'm waiting....
the bad ones may be dead so maybe not be a threat anymore
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The only thing ISIS/Taliban understand is brute force. So long as they have a President Joe Biden to push around, they are a danger to the US, and US citizens.
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The president isn't doing anything "wrong". He got us out of a prolonged and pointless war, and the messy exit would have happened no matter who was in the White House. Anyone who thinks that the Taliban would have honored the "surrender deal" (McMaster's words) that Donald Trump signed with them is even more moronic than he is. There was simply no way to end this war -- one that the vast majority of Americans wanted to end -- in a clean, neat fashion. The hypocrisy of the Republicans on that score is really quite breathtaking. As for ISIS being a threat, terrorists of one brand or another will continue to be a threat to the US and other nations for a long time to come. They were well before Biden became president, and they will be a problem long after he is gone. We can fight them on many fronts and in many ways, but we cannot eradicate them altogether.
Army Veteran
A point that you choose to overlook is that Biden took office with the intention of overturning every deal that Trump ever made - this would include any agreements Trump made with the Taliban. And as proof that he did ignore Trump's plan, Biden pulled out the troops before securing the safety of those left behind and he gave the Taliban a huge arsenal of weapons. Biden abandoned Americans and Afghan allies. Trump would have never done this. In addition, there were provisions in Trump's deal that would have brought retaliation against the Taliban for breaking their end of it. Biden has nothing. -
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Linda Joy
Also the terms Trump set for us to leave had not been met so the taliban broke the agreement first so we were not bound to leave.
{{ Do you think that the ISIS / Taliban will always be a threat to the US }} No. Nothing lasts forever. Not ISIS. Not the Taliban. Not the U.S. {{ What's the President doing that is wrong? }} Well...obviously (in hindsight) it was a mistake to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. I expect we will be back there again within 10 years (tops) having to do it all over again...possibly following ANOTHER devastating terrorist attack in the U.S. or U.K.
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It's only a matter of time before there's another 9-11. And the corrupt radical leftist media will blame Trump and America.
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He pulled the military out first before getting those out the military were supposed to be protecting. He left behind the best weapons money could buy. He caused the death of 13 people that didn't have to die. The terms of the agreement with Trump were never met so no one had to pull out by any certain date. Someone needs to be held accountable. Either Biden was given good advice and he ignored it or whomever advised him in the military should be fired. They impeached Trump for the mere appearance of collusion with Russia, but Biden has been caught telling them to make his exit look good. There's the hypocrisy for you!
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As long as there is jihad, and the west is perceived as the "great Satan", those groups will be a threat to us. The sons of the prophet (pbuh) have been threatening the west ever since their first Jihad into Europe in 732 AD. They made it as far as Vienna, before Charlemagne began to beat them back. He managed to get them out of Europe except for Spain, where they stayed in power until 1492. Joe Biden was right to withdraw our troops from this senseless war. His big mistake was the "deadline" and leaving people behind who want to get out before they get killed. Joe Biden was not responsible for the Afghan army just quitting and leaving everything behind though. Nobody saw that coming, IMHO
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Are they a threat to the US, though? I think they are a threat to me, maybe, but there's a fair amount of distance between me and any of them. I doubt that the US government has much to worry about from the Taliban or from ISIS. Trump basically defeated ISIS anyway, right?
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