Well ya need to drop him as a mate ASAP lol
Invest in silver.
I'm taking this as a Joke question based on the platform you've chosen. LOL. If they are not hurting themselves or others, I would just notify VanHelsing.
Tell him you love him and then play a song by Bob Seeger and the silver Bullitt band.
Go to the nearest police station and fill out a report swearing that your friend is a werewolf. They should be able to help you.
Just watch out for werefleas.
Avoid him at the full moon.
rub lemon juice on their broken cuticles. that should stop some hullaballoo.
What ever you do don't let him near a full moon.
Get your head out of the horror movies. That would be a start so that way you won’t be delusional. Werewolves belong in horror movies. They are fictional characters where the actor is in a werewolf costume. If you don’t realise what I’m getting at, you’re delusional.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I think its a joke question, like Do Mermaids exist. He's seeing how many people caught the joke.
Get your silver bullet ready.
Drop your bottoms and moon him to find out. lol
Linda Joy
Now that's a good one! lol!
Get your head checked. But, get some silver jewellery and hand it to them. If they have no reaction to silver, then they are not a werewolf.
Step away from the bong.
I used to be a Werewolf, but I’m better NAAAOOOOOOOW..!
Change your rolling papers to ZIG ZAG April 05 2022
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