It was sheer stupidity and ignorance that got Orange Don elected. So, your comments sound about right for that group of people.
Thank you for the comment :)
Biden hid in the basement from covid! Oh, and the people with guns aren't the ones who will be hiding in the basement. Those without guns will be. And after the liberal government removes your guns you'll understand why its an important right. If you don't want to be around guns go to where they don't allow them. Don't screw with our rights! It was put in the constitution for a reason! And most of us don't even need guns to end someone's life or set up a defense perimeter. But you just keep thinking we're the ones afraid, it will increase our advantage. You're the ones afraid of guns!
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Hmm, I think this question sounds remarkably like some of the trolling on the former yahoo answers platform.
Thanks for your input :)
If this stance is real for this, do yourself a favor and seek psychiatric help right away. one side is not better, both sides are bad, especially in the extremes.
Thanks for your input :)
Good place for you, and likely to happen anyway, kill your mom first.
Thanks for your input :)
The leftist-libtards have been slowly eroding the the right to keep and bear arms since at least the Dillinger takes a blind man not to see their relentless and nonstop progress over the past 90+ years...and a special kind of stoopid not to be able to forecast with reasonable certainty the end goal. Oh but I'm a loyal Comrade, and know that for my beloved commie utopia to take place, the populace must be disarmed of guns and Free Speech, but I'll never admit that, since like all cowards I much prefer disinformation, subterfuge, socialist psyops, and a knife in the back....because them Far-Right meanies are soooooo scary!
Thanks for your info
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