Take a look at these people and check this out place this in Google Image
I think we've been locked down for too long.
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bostjan the adequate 🥉
I think you are right that it plays a part, but let's not forget that there were tons of mass shootings before coronavirus as well. -
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They are crazy
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Easy access to guns maybe. Perhaps, everyone being emotionally tense too. This is just a guess. :)...
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Too many Americans evidently believe that there are too many Americans.
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2, maybe 3 issues for that. 1st, the mental health field is so god awful that there just is not enough support or anything for people at all anymore. Back in the 80s it took a month for the system to just cut from mental health rather than what all the facts were for it, how it needed more funding. 2. gun lobbyists won, and now we have enormous amounts of guns in the black market, more than the above board markets, and that has been noticed since before then too. It was only a matter of time for it all to come down like this.
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If you combine the populations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Australia, you'll get a population roughly the size of the United States. We had 20,000 gun deaths last year, they had 217. Do you think it's because Americans are more homicidal by nature? Or do you think it's because those guys have gun control laws? Religion is out of control. The NRA and its supporters are out of control. Republicans are out of control. Take it for what it's worth. Own it, or ignore it and continue following this path.
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Because we have raised generation of narcissistic kids. Gave them participation trophies, told them they were special and never allowed them to fail leaving them unprepared for life, so when life slaps them around as it will, they strike back
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The only variable that can explain the high rate of mass shootings in America is its astronomical number of guns.😎Plus it is too late to do anything about it.
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America have had for many years mass shootings,probably copy cats!! problem is they dont control who can have guns . America needs to test gun owners yearly to see if they or any family member's are mentally unstable and if any are unfit ,then no gun licence allowed in the house a doctors visit yearly to test ..the elderly here have to do that yearly to prove they are well enough to drive so why not in America do same with Gun Licence .... they need to toss thugs in jail and make big examples of them and deport any one if they kill ..they may get the hint in time America dont want thugs .but murder happens no matter what ..from hate/jealousy/control freaks/pay back ./and just plain bad temper
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Because kids with issues have seen it plastered all over the news and think it would take the least amount of effort to become famous. The media need to shut that crap down with a ? and call them an unidentified subject or unsub like they call them on Criminal Minds! The only people who have the proper clearance and a need to know should ever know their name
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Why is everyone bashing America? You need to check yourself and your statistics! We're 99th on the list lets hear you call out each one before us before you start pointing fingers this way!!! AND we're on a downturn according to this web page: ****************************You need to compare apples to apples and put the blame where it really lies! And go check their gun laws and see who has the most violence!! Just because you can't get guns as easily doesn't mean the criminals aren't going to get them or find another way. Knives and rope are both cheap!! So is acid in the face! I think I'd rather be shot.
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bostjan the adequate 🥉
You have a few good points, Linda Joy, but I contend that the countries that rank as high as the USA on that list are all either 4rd world countries like Venezuela, war zones like Syria, or third world countries that are war zones, like Sudan. The USA is supposed to be the best nation on Earth, so why are the people here so eager to murder each other? We have the death penalty for murder here, so why are people so eager to forfeit their lives? You are right that the problem has less to do with guns than people. I've never seen a gun go on a shooting spree by itself, but I've seen plenty in the news about stabbing sprees and running-people-over-in-a-car sprees. Americans are in a unique situation, and it should be important to try to understand why Americans are so much more into murder than, say, the Swiss, who also have tons of guns per capita, and did have a couple mass shootings, but, otherwise are not obsessed with mass murder. -
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Because the leftist-libtards refuse to pass the only three laws that might curtail it. 1. Violent crime=automatic death sentence (no ifs, ands or buts). 2. Trials and executions televised. 3. Restitution made by the criminals kinfolk.
Thanks for your info
Because so many people wind up being forced into a boring mundane life that the pressure breaks and there you go.
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It's not only America that has so many, it is just the media laws in other countries think it will give ideas to others to make it public like in the USA.
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Police shootings and gang violence are not "mass shootings". Real mass shootings involve one person opening fire at a place like a school, a theater, or other well-populated venue. And these happen because of the easy availability of guns in this country. The angry and the mentally-ill can easily obtain them and use them to express their rage (or desire for glory and notoriety) via killing a substantial number of people. Of course Americans don't think that's fine, nor do they think gang violence is fine, but we don't seem to have the appetite for curbing these things via much stricter gun control. It's a trade-off: the right to bear arms vs. the safety and security of society. As for police shootings, sometimes they are necessary, but the killings of the unarmed are not. Americans don't approve of that either.
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Guns are too easy to come by. Lots of weak men that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag are tuff when they have a gun. If you have more guns than people of course there are going to be lots of shootings. How many of you let children play with guns? How many children have shot one of their parents with the same gun they were taught them to shoot with by the parent?
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Most things are all about the way the brainwashing is done, and there you are.
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Because 70M people voted for Trump. We are crazy.
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