I've had dreams that were related to death ...I dreamed this friend was laying in a coffin and I was viewing him and we shook my hands...Then a couple of days later my great uncle passed away so figure that one out?
Dreams are your brain's way of working out scenarios. Sometimes they can be surreal, and sometimes they can seem like real life. Either way, your brain is performing several rapid fire checksums and repairing broken programming when you sleep. Recalling any of these operations is not necessarily anything of deep philosophical meaning, but it can shed some insight into what sorts of things your brain is preparing for when you are awake. If that means that I will be prepared in case actor Liam Neeson angrily shouts at me in public about an elephant whilst scorpions and ants rain down from the sky, evidently, my brain is somewhat prepared for that scenario. :)
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Sometimes I do. The other day I dreamed I wanted to travel to Maine. Being that the official abbreviation is ME I wonder if that's a warning I'm too egotistical. I'm certain. However dream symbols are of one's subconscience Plus their logic is their own.
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Dreams are more about emotion than visual. However, some use to consider it another sense and far more importance was put on it.... Also there is a large importance put on dreams in the bible.
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No mine are just nightmares.😏
Nightmares are fraught with both deep and not deep meanings all the time. -
Thanks for your input :)
In psychology, I studied a year on dreams, and yes, most every dream has meanings in them, both deep and not deep. It is a matter of layers and background, where in the dreams the background makes up for quite a few things too.
Thanks for your input :)
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