Anything tremendously popular - it'll mean cheap parts and lots of mechanics with experience fixing them. If the car has a good track record, too, that's even better. Something like a Toyota Camry, Ford Taurus, or Honda Accord. Just my two cents.
Yes same here with me, thanks for your comment :)
I've had Toyotas that seemed to hang on forever. I've got a Nissan truck now from last century that's still running. Looks like a pile of crap, and I can't drive it right now but it runs. I don't know how expensive the parts are. I haven't had to order any yet. It was given to me, so I don't know how much it costed. The title says its worth $500. I've had two or three offers to buy it, but refused.
Thanks for your comment and input :)
Sorry to say it but most foreign cars will last longer than American cars.
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