Jeans. Skirts are nice on special events, but I like jeans more since they are practical and easier to move around in. Plus you can look just as good in jeans as you can in skirts ;D
I wear both. i like showing my legs in skirts. and i like wearing my jeans.
Jeans but i can wear a skirt as well
I LOVE skirts!!! Captain with a Skirt Ingredients: * 2 oz Captain Morgan Rum * 2 oz White wine * Fill with Coca-Cola * 1 slice of Lime * Ice cubes Mixing instructions: Mix Captain Morgan and white wine in a glass. Add Coke and ice. Garnish with a slice of lime. Creator/contributor's comments: Because of the addition of white wine to the traditional Morgan and Coke, my friends refer to this as a "girly" drink. These ladies have all been persuaded to join my crew, any other pirates here willing to stay true to the code?
I prefer jeans. I only wore skirts when Jimmy talked me into it.
jeans or shorts unless I have to go out somewhere then its usually a dress or skirt
For on myself, I like jeans. If its on a female, either looks quite nice =)
Skirts and high heels are what I wear to work.
jeans for me...and skirts for the girl.
tight jeans please
Definitely Jeans, unless it's Summer then shorts or capri's. Skirts and dress are awful and uncomfortable things.
jeans i love tight jeans on a man of course. i hope these jeans are not too tight .
For errands,cold weather,household choresetc...jeans are ok.But for other times,shopping,work,special events,etc...I wear skirts and tops or dresses with heels or flats.
I wear skirts and dresses everyday. I don't even own jeans. I like to look, act, and feel like a lady at all times.
I much prefer short skirts, pantyhose, and high heels to jeans. I'll put up with jeans when they make sense (yard work, etc.), but if I could get away with it, I'd throw away every pair of pants I own and wear skirts only from now on.
I prefer ladies in jeans because they feel more comfortable in them.
Neither. I prefer cargo pants or just plain, normal pants.
Jeans all the time i never wear skirts or dresses.
Jeans or shorts for me. My husband is in the background screaming that I should wear skirts more often.
I love wearing skirts the most, but I love buying new jeans more. :)
I hate wearing jeans -_- they are so uncomfortable and look stupid on me. plus i dont have any god ones. so skirts.
Why not both? I have a closet full of jean skirts!
I love skirts. They are prettier and (usually) more comfortable. I'm wearing a skirt, right now.
I;m a guy, but I prefer wearinfg skirts Wish I could wear them more often
Even after my wardrobe purge, I only have one pair of jeans. I don't like trousers, I guess I was raised differently.
skirts all the way :) wear them alot more than jeans, they are just sooo confortable,i like wearing cool tights with patterns aswel :) jeans aren't so good but they keep you lots warmer in the winter:P legs from wearing a skirt isn't an attractive look
jeans, but i wear them well!
jeans, most definitely!!!
No, but I once heard from a person who, not many years ago, was a young poor girl. From she was 16 to 25 she worked as a combined maid and nanny girl for a rich employer, and she lived in a small room in their home. She had to wear a uniform (white blouse with, a black skirt and black high-heeled shoes as well as a name tag). A white waist apron was also included, and for the most dirty work a white full-length apron should be town. She really hated it, and her employer was very strict. Since she left, she always wear jeans and a sweater.
i love jeans i only wear skirts to go out every once in a while, but hey i love running around so i wear jeans way more than i wear skirts
I look better in jeans, but I look a little iffy in skirts.
Do I have to choose? I Love jeans, I love skirts, sun dresses, a sleek pant suit & with jacket, jean jackets, sweats, shorts and flip flops...Its so fun being a girl!
I prefer skirts or dresses as well.. But, jeans are ok, and the look of sexy heels with jeans is classic..
I like jeans, but not as much as skirts. I have a wardrobe of skirt suits that I wear to work. I also have a variety of leather mini skirts that I wear for pleasure.
I much prefer skirts. I never wear jeans, because they are sloppy-looking and too casual. My pants are made of fine wool not rough denim.
I much prefer skirts to jeans. I never wear jeans. They're really manual laborers' clothing. I wear more dressy clothing. I wear wool pants instead of cheap denim jeans.
On men I prefer jeans. On me I prefer wearing dresses,though skirts would be second and shorts third. I'll wear pants when riding horses, motorcycles, clearing brush, or picking blackberries or other instances when my legs need to be protected, but they're really too hot for this climate.
Women should stick to skirts!
Sandra Ursula
Yes, I agree with you.
Depends on the weather and what I am doing.
Skirts unless I'm doing manual labor on the family farm. That's the only time it's proper to wear jeans.
Jeans, Jeans, Jeans. Mostly American Rag jeans.
I haven't worn a skirt in a few years. I would probably rather wear a dress than a skirt. I am a confirmed jeans girl, all my life;)
On women I like both...on myself I like jeans.
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